Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is one of those films that reminded me that life is messy, that the simplest of answers are sometimes discovered through unusual encounters, and that the multitude of distractions and noise of our existence can sometimes keep us from appreciating God’s presence in everything we do, everywhere we are … and in all of our circumstances.
“You’re not unlovable. There is always something to love.”
– Evelyn Wang, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
There are times in my life that I have made mistakes, I have failed, and I have pursued choices that have hurt others and gone against the very commandments of God’s love and the lessons of Christ. My self-centered human nature replaced that of the great I Am. Yet, in the midst of my unwise decisions – I know that God is love everlasting. We are weak and God is strong. Redemption and forgiveness are available to all. Love is here for the taking … it is offered for humanity to freely accept. We are never separated from God’s love… sometimes we just need a reminder (Romans 8: 38-39).
“With every passing moment, you fear you might have missed your chance to make something of your life. I’m here to tell you, every rejection, every disappointment has led you here, to this moment.” – Alpha Waymond Wang, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
Some of us examine previous life choices and feel characterized by the path that we were set because of those decisions. We allow these distractions to drown us, to weigh us down, and to anchor us to a place and time that is without a present or a future … we feel that the past is in control us. These choices can become a baggage of burdens we carry to this point and place in time. However, God does not define our “now” based on them, we have a choice to move forward, and it is through Christ that we are allowed to become new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17) and forge new paths.
The opportunities ahead of us are greater than those behind us because of God’s love. We can move beyond the heaviness of perceived moments and successes lost, we can “forget all that— it is nothing compared to what …” (the Great I Am) … “is going to do. For I Am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
“When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naïve. It is strategic and necessary. It’s how I’ve learned to survive through anything.”
– CEO Waymond Wang, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
As we examine the world around us, as we check out the latest news, or engage in water cooler topics or social media feeds – it only takes a split-second to be devoured by the chaos and mayhem that seeks to shout out the power of good and what is right within our world. Yet, if we take the time to traverse the fog, we will discover that God is at work everywhere and always, and in manners great and small. God lives and breathes through words and actions of people young and old, the poor and rich, the corporate execs and the homeless, those with education and those without access, the healthy and the sick … God’s handiwork is alive within us. Maybe we don’t see it because we’re not looking for it … or we’re not Being it! Lord, I pray that the words I speak and the thoughts that I think be acceptable to you (Psalm 19:14) … and that I put into action Your good for others.
“The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind.”
– Waymond Wang, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
No matter who we are, we have talents that can be used for the benefit of others through the name of Christ. There are a multitude of opportunities to serve as God’s feet and hands. We can offer so much to a world in need if we choose to do so. Are we are called to reach out to our brothers and sisters, to love our enemies, to be God’s acts of love on earth? If so, what are we doing to fulfill this scripture – “Each one should use whatever gift received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
“No matter what, I still want to be here with you. I will always, always want to be here with you.” – Evelyn Wang, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
God understands that we have doubts, that we sometimes allow fear to control us, that anger, division, strife, and hurt will fight to become the dominating source of life’s consumption. God understands that our life through Christ is a daily battle between good and evil (thoughts and deeds). God understands that in our mortality, in our human nature, we sometimes feel lost and alone. When we experience loss and grief, and when war is raging around us, it may be difficult to see the light in that darkness. When uncertainty wants to reign in our lives and convince us that all is hopeless, God responds “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:1-4
God is with us in Everything, Everywhere and All at Once … we are never alone through the bridge that is Christ. — Noel T. Manning II (2022)
Arts & Faith Lists:
2022 Arts & Faith Ecumenical Jury — #4