The Arts & Faith Ecumenical Jury votes annually on the films from most recommended for a Christian audience. These are not all meant to be films explicitly about faith, but in one way or another, they invite spiritual contemplation or challenge and expand our notion of the art that can be meaningful for people of faith.
For a juror’s appreciation, click on the appropriate link below. This year’s list was also published simultaneously at Transpositions.
- First Reformed
- Leave No Trace
- Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
- The Rider
- Shoplifters
- First Man
- Minding the Gap
- Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc
- Support the Girls
- 24 Frames
Jury: Joel Mayward; Anders Bergstrom; Christian Hamaker; Evan Cogswell; Gareth Higgins; Jeffrey Overstreet; Josh Cabrita; Josh Hamm; Josh Larsen; Kenneth R. Morefield; Kevin Sampson; Michael Leary; Kevin Sampson; Noel T. Manning; Phillip Martin; Sarah Welch-Larson; Steven D. Greydanus.