Call For Papers — Write About the A&F Top 100

The Soul of Cinema: Essays on Arts & Faith’s Top 100 Spiritually Significant Films

Since 2004, readers and writers at the Art & Faith website have created six lists of “spiritually significant” films, culminating in its 2020 iteration of the group’s Top 100 films. (To see this list visit To celebrate the most recent list, the editor is soliciting contributions for an anthology of critical essays to be published in the Summer of 2023.

To propose a paper, submit an abstract of 500 words to Dr. Morefield at or Due to institutional spam filters, it is highly recommended that abstracts or inquiries request a digital “read” receipt.

Papers are sought that explain the spiritual significance of one or more of the films on the list. Additional topics that are of interest include: auteur theory, canonicity in film studies, the history and development of the Arts & Faith Top 100 (how the list has changed since its inception), gender and sexuality, race, and differences between spirituality and religion.

Final essays should be a minimum of 3,000 words and may be as long as 12,000 words. They must be new essays or essays for which the contributor retains copyright permission.

Deadline for proposals is November 30, 2022. Deadline for final papers will be May 22, 2023.