Hell or High Water

Claims that modern-day systems are rigged against the average guy have replaced “the Devil made me do it” as the go-to justification for why someone should not be held responsible for bending or even breaking the rules.

Toby and Tanner Howard may not be wrong that the scales of justice have more than a few thumbs on them, but woe to them who take it upon themselves to set things right. Like another morally tortured outlaw, Michael Corleone, Toby learns that the road to perdition doesn’t necessarily need good intentions, just good excuses. Each compromise with one’s conscience makes the next that much easier. For Toby, those compromises may start small, but they accumulate interest with cruel predictability until the debts he owes are ones no amount of riches can erase. == Kenneth R. Morefield (2016)

Arts & Faith Lists:

2016 Arts & Faith Ecumenical Jury — #6