Our Little Sister

How far do the bonds of family extend, and what responsibilities do those bonds entail? When three sisters learn of their father’s death, their answer to those questions is to adopt their half-sister Suzu (Suzu Hirose) whom their father sired after abandoning their family.

As we watch the four sisters adjusting to life together, the film gives us several wonderful portrayals of compassion, respect, and mercy. The older sisters are slightly hesitant to attend their father’s funeral, and Suzu feels some guilt since her existence is a reminder of a father abandoning his family. However, the gentle, life-like, and mostly conflict-free nature of the film reinforces the commonality among all four sisters, and it also builds to a wonderful climax of forgiveness and grace that emerges as a result of the heartbreak and loss which initially devastated the family. — Evan Cogswell, Catholic Cinephile

Arts & Faith Lists:

2016 Arts & Faith Ecumenical Jury — #3